Friday, April 4, 2008

house meeting #1

So when we met with the environmental consultant last night, he told us that he had heard from DEP (that's who we were waiting to hear from, not the county) and we ended up meeting them at the house site this morning. It went really well, I think. They seemed to think it wouldn't be a problem at all to approve building at the site, and that there's plenty of wetlands being preserved to make up for the little that we'd be filling. So that's good news. Let's hope the Army Corp guy agrees with them. Our consultant said he's never seen a response from the Army Corp like the one we got, it was a 4 page letter for filling 1/10th of an acre. Until the rules got changed last summer, that would have been automatically approved. Figures. We went over a bunch of stuff last night to talk about at our meeting with him though, so hopefully that will go well too. I should have taken a picture of the lot when we were there this morning so I'd have a picture to add to this post, but I didn't think of it. Alfred gets bored with picture-less posts. Sorry, Alfred.

In other news, I'm really enjoying the new tracking software I put on this page. The only problem is that it shows every time I look at my own page. (I'm apparently in East Palatka, by the way.) So now everyone can see how often I come see if anyone new has been here. Ah well, you all knew I was a dork anyway, right?

(Listen to this - in looking at our tax stuff, it turns out we paid more in interest on our mortgage than I earned all last year. Sad.)


Anonymous said...

man, no pictures! Also, to be fair, since we're on the same router, it shows up as east palatka for me too, so out of the hundreds of east palatka visits, one is mine.

T & A said...

But apparently it doesn't come up more than once as long as no one else visits between us. So if I visit 30 times between other people, I'll only show up once. Good to know.