Monday, January 23, 2012

operation: longer baby naps

The following was recorded for posterity and is submitted at the repeated urging (some might say nagging) of the recipient of these reports, whose identity shall be kept confidential

Captain's log, nap 1: subject started to nurse at 9:05, was asleep by 9:30, popped off the boob at 9:46, woke up at 9:55. Jiggling to keep her asleep was unsuccessful. Subject was brought into bedroom and wrapped up; white noise activated. Subject was asleep again and in crib by 10:05. Captain remained and observed behavior to determine time of premature wake up. First stirrings at 10:46, eyes open at 10:48. Analysis: sleep cycle lasts between 40 and 45 minutes. Plan of action: initiate phase 2, aka "hands on belly" at minute 35 of next nap. Will report back with progress at that time.

Captain's log, nap 2: subject exhibited fussiness so nap sequence was executed (swaddle, white noise, rocking). Subject was asleep at 12:24 and placed in crib. Captain reentered sleeping chamber at 12:57 to find subject already stirring. Hands on belly was immediately initiated. Subject opened eyes at 12:59. Hands on belly deemed a failure at 1:03. Captain regrets forgetting what time subject initially fell asleep and mistiming the intervention.

Captain's log, nap 3: subject struggled valiantly, but succumbed to sleep at 2:40 once singing was added to standard nap protocol. Captain reentered sleeping chamber and began "hands on belly" at 3:00. Subject first stirred at 3:05. Eyes opened at 3:08. Hands on belly was abandoned as unsuccessful at 3:20. Subject did not fall back asleep, though Captain's arm and lower legs/feet did due to position during mission.

Captain's log, nap 4: nap protocol initiated, subject asleep at 4:10. Captain made executive decision to place subject in swing instead of crib, due to continuing fussiness on the part of the subject. Subject woke upon being placed in swing, but fell back asleep at 4:15. Subject was still asleep at 4:25, but was awake and crying at 4:35 when captain got out of shower. Alas.

Captain's log, nap 5: nap protocol was initiated, as the nap window was closing for the day. Subject fell asleep at 5:50. Stirring began at 6:21, eyes open at 6:23. Hands on belly was not executed due to proximity of bedtime.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So what's the problem. Based on the first picture, you've got Alfred sleeping like a baby. Even Tabitha is excited by the great job you did.