Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I'm a winner

My boss nominated me and another person I work with for these regional hospitality awards (we were in separate categories, so we weren't competing against each other). The awards banquet was tonight. And what do you know, I won in my category! I got this super fly plaque/trophy thing with my name inscribed on it, a lapel pin, and a bunch of swag, including free tickets to an attraction that I get free admission to anyway and a gift certificate to a liquor store an hour away! Seriously though, it was pretty exciting. There were 11 of us there total from our company, and our table made a lot of noise when they announced my name. It was a nice night. And I get to wear a lapel pin to work tomorrow!


Anonymous said...



Carolyn said...

Congratulations, Miss Hospitality 2010! but seriously, I'm sure it nade you feel good.

Lucy said...

Where's a pic of your super fly plaque?!