Thursday, July 15, 2010

just for Mercedes

She and Ilya are in Spain right now, so I don't even know when she'll read this, but we made gazpacho for dinner tonight! About 1/4 of the tomatoes came from my bosses' garden, about 1/2 from the store, and the rest from our garden. There's some sort of tomato thief afoot at our house that eats or knocks down our tomatoes before they're ripe enough to pick. The gazpacho also has jalapenos and parsley from our garden. It's really, really delicious.

In other garden news, I have 2 watermelons growing! They're little and cute right now, and I'm super excited for them to grow and to eat them. We also have some more eggplants coming along, and another banana pepper has finally started growing. Not as good a haul as we were hoping when we started this project, but not bad for someone who can kill a plant just by looking at it, like me.

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