Sunday, December 5, 2010

6 days

Thanksgiving was fun; we drove a long way, had a blast hanging out with the family (lots of food, drinking, and Mario Kart on the wii), and then drove a long way again. My mom got us some 4 loko (3 cases, actually), so we've got those to enjoy now. We've got enough to last the rest of our lives, probably. Though I've heard that kids have been selling them at parties for $5 a can, so I'm thinking about selling them to the kids in the neighborhood behind the museum. No one would believe the lady in the historical costume was selling booze to underage kids. It's the perfect crime.

Only 6 more days till my birthday! It's a big one this year, I'm turning 30. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about it. Sometimes I'm super pumped and look forward to my new decade, but other times it freaks me out to be leaving my 20s behind. I'm trying to be positive about it. Alfred and I went out for my birthday dinner on Friday, and I'm having a party next Saturday. We're doing a dessert buffet, so I'm pretty excited. I haven't really had a big birthday party in a long time. I kind of invited a mix of people, from Alfred's family to our friends to friends from work, so it will be an interesting bunch. As long as there's lots of chocolate (which there will be), plenty of booze is flowing (which there will also be), and there's good music for me to dance to in the living room (which I expect there to be), it will be all good. I'm going to hit up the dollar store for some fun decorations and party favors this week. Think glow in the dark necklaces for the living room dance party. It's been stressing Alfred out, trying to get the house done in time to have all these people over. We've made really great progress though, it's really almost done! And just now we put up our Christmas lights outside.

This afternoon I got a massage at Lucy's birthday spa day (happy birthday, Lucy!) My shoulders and back had lots of knots, I was getting pretty sore from all the work we've been doing around the house, so it felt so good to have those worked out. I'm actually a bit sore now, which he said would probably happen. It just means I need another massage!

In other news, I was looking through my blog last week, trying to find a picture, and I realized that this blog used to be way better. I used to post so much more often, I used to have lots more fun pictures. For awhile now it's just not been as much fun, I guess. I don't have as much time to do it, it's become more of a chore. So I'm thinking about stopping. We'll see. Right now I have 10 minutes to get ready to go to dinner, so I'd better get moving!

1 comment:

Lucy said...

No! Don't stop! Happy Birthday week! Thanks for chillin at the spa with me today. Can't wait for your party!!!