Saturday, February 6, 2010

our new house

I realized that I haven't gotten around to posting about our new house yet. My bad! So, here you go. First from the outside.

Cute, no? That's a pecan tree to the right of the picture, there's another one in the backyard too. Plus there's a really big backyard too, which means I get to have a garden! I need to start getting some gardening books out of the library or something, because otherwise I'll kill everything in minutes.

Anyway, the house has 3 bedrooms, which is nice, but only 1 bathroom. In general I feel like only having 1 bathroom is not so great, but then I think about how that means I only have to clean 1 bathroom. I like that part. The living room is a little small, and sort of weirdly set up. Three of the walls have doorways, and the fourth has a fireplace, so it's not exactly ideal for furniture. The carpet's all been pulled up now and the floors are wood.

Just past the living room is this weird dining room-like area. It's bigger than both the living room and the kitchen, which is unfortunate. The kitchen is through the doorway on the other side of this room and, again, is small. Not the smallest kitchen ever, but definitely a step down from our current kitchen.

The main benefits of this house are a) the location (closer to Alfred's family and job, and all of our friends who live down here), and b) lack of a mortgage. It's a little longer drive for me to work, by about 10 minutes, and it's an uglier and more boring drive. But I'm willing to take one for the team for a little while. It really is a cute little house. The plan is to move next weekend. Should be awesome!

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

One bathroom, do-able; how many years did we live with one bathroom having 5 or 6 people in the house. And no house can have a smaller kitchen than ours. Give Alfred a sledge hammer and knock out part of the wall between the dining room and living room. Problem solved. And as I have told you before, smaller house, less to clean!!! Happy moving!