Tuesday, February 16, 2010

we're getting there

We've been working hard on this whole "moving" thing. It's really not very fun. We spent about half of the day Saturday and then most of the day today at the new house, finishing up some cleaning and painting that needed to be done. We had painted all of the walls already, but needed to paint all of the white trim in the kitchen and bathroom. When we paint, I'm the one who gets to do all the edging, so most of my time was spent doing that. But it looks so much better now, it's amazing what a coat of paint will do. All we have left to paint now is a little touching up in a few spots in the kitchen. Alfred also put some insulation around one of the doors, there was a pretty big gap that is now much smaller. Our electric bill for that house was over $90 last month, and we weren't even living there! We do keep the heat on to about 58 or so when we're not there, partially to keep the pipes from freezing since it's been getting so cold at night, but that was still pretty crazy. To compare, our bill here was about $120. Little to no insulation + an electric company with the highest rates in FL = that sucks! Hopefully sealing the cracks around the doors will help.

Saturday afternoon and evening was spent with Alfred's family for Valentine's Day. Emily was home from school for the long weekend and had her boyfriend over, so we got to meet him. He seemed like a nice chap. We had Caesar salad (with dressing made by the incomparable Alfred, as taught by the incomparable Doug), some awesome red velvet ice cream cake, and then a whole bunch of fried things, thanks to Robyn and some of Emily's friends that came over after dinner. Then Sunday was spent mostly around the house, except when I had to go to work. Yeah, I had to work on a Sunday, on Valentine's Day no less, because of some stupid adult group that showed up 40 minutes late for an hour tour and then complained because they didn't get to do everything they were expecting to do. Here's an idea, move your asses out of the gift shop and get where you're supposed to be on time.

I finished a bottle of liquor tonight - 1 guess what kind it was! (hint: I still have some fat free half and half in the fridge...)

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Mmmmm....Kalua.......Don't feel bad, I worked 8am to 7pm doing a major upgrade to our computer system at work.