Wednesday, November 9, 2011

2 months

If there's one thing that I've learned about myself over the past two months, it's that having some sort of goal or project ever day helps keep me sane. I found that to be the case even during my (almost) 2 weeks off of work before Tabby was born. I'm not talking anything big - my goal most Fridays is simply to watch the episode of Vampire Diaries from the night before - but it definitely helps my mental state. The point of this is that I think I'm going to start posting here again, if only to give myself something to do on days when I have nothing else planned.

So! I have a two month old. She's generally pretty cute. She has a well developed gag reflex; I have managed to gag her and make her vomit twice this week. Once by trying to give her a pacifier (hopefully our next kid likes them because this one certainly doesn't, and we got like 10 of them as gifts), and once trying to give her medicine. We're talking projectile vomit here, it's like something out of The Exorcist. It's gross. She's a great sleeper at night, has always had 1 longer stretch of sleep right from 1 week old. She typically sleeps 6-7 hours in a row when she first goes to bed now, which is awesome. Her daytime naps are not so awesome, but we're going to be working on that soon.

Tabby had her 2 month check up the other day and had her first vaccinations, which were not fun. She didn't quite get a fever, but her leg was all red and sore the rest of the day, and she was cranky the next couple of days. She seems to be pretty much back to normal today, but we'll see how she by tonight. Before her shots she was getting really smiley, but since then we haven't been getting as many smiles out of her. Baby smiles are like crack, you get one and it makes you do some pretty stupid things to get more.

I'm becoming more familiar with daytime TV. No soap operas yet, thank God. Lots of TLC and Discovery channel so far. I spend a lot of time on the internet, too. At least now I'm talking to Tabitha instead of just talking to myself all day though. I guess that about sums up my life these days. In closing, a funny baby picture. She gets enthralled with the pattern on her little activity gym sometimes and gets all cross eyed as she stares at it. Cracks me up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh good, I look forward to more blogs....can't get enough of the little princess. I just read Katie's blog about Louisa; I can't believe she's almost a year already. What happened to you college girls? Just be sure to keep some of that craziness inside of you! And enjoy those babies. Who's next? Mom