Wednesday, February 24, 2010

non-moving news

Actually, a tiny moving note first. My mom correctly guessed that we had 7 expired phone books in the old house. However, we have already arranged the furniture in our living room, so that prize is no longer an option. You can arrange the kitchen instead. Congratulations!

Last Thursday was Tony's birthday - happy belated birthday! I actually managed to call him on his birthday, and was even the first of his siblings to do so. Technically, Mike did email him before I talked to him, but he didn't call. Granted, he's in Iraq, but that shouldn't really be an excuse. This picture is from when we went to visit in 2008. He was a tiny bit drunk. I'm sure we'll get some new entertaining pictures when everyone comes to visit later this spring. Anyway, happy birthday!

On to the next order of business. We had to say goodbye to a dear member of the family last Friday: Copper the Dog. He turned 15 in December, and has sort of been hurting for the past few years, so it's not like it was totally unexpected. This picture is probably kind of mean, considering he was just put to sleep less than a week ago, but it looks like he's trying to put himself out of his own misery, and it makes me laugh. Poor little guy. Now Munsen is the lone dog on campus, although there are still plenty of cats milling around. Why couldn't one of the animals I'm terribly allergic to have kicked the bucket? Farewell, Copper. Enjoy lying on all the couches you want in Doggy Heaven.


dad said...

That you for the very nice write up on copper, he had a long life with many battles with the couch police. He did out live all the hedge hogs he tore up. He also had a record amount of rugs destroyed. He lived a long life with many good memories as well as the bad ones. He will be missed by most of us in the family.

Mike said...

I wish I had a scanned copy of Copper when I dressed him up in a Minnesota Vikings Halloween costume, complete with helmet. Ahh, the things we did to that dog.