Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I'm a big dork

Like anyone had any doubt. But still. Here's more proof.

So I've been resisting reading the Twilight series. I did the same thing with Harry Potter. They're not adult books, I'll be bored by them, not worth my time, things like that. With Harry Potter, I even saw one of the movies before I read any of the books. I fell asleep in the movie, which only made me less inclined to read the series. But I did. And loved them all. Totally want to own them so I can read them again. I read them before the last book had come out, and was too embarrassed to get it out of the library. Luckily I was able to borrow it, I think from Robyn, and probably read it in like 2 days. Cause I just got so involved in the story.

Mercedes owns all 4 of the Twilight books. And we've been cat/house sitting for them while they're in Spain. And so, the other night while Alfred was busy on his laptop and I was bored, I started reading the first book. And have been sucked into the story ever since. I finished the third book a couple of hours ago (oh yeah, and I took today off of work since I had to work Sunday). I told Alfred it was a good thing I hadn't brought the fourth book home with me, because I'd totally still be curled up on the couch reading it. Luckily I'm going back up there tomorrow and can start on it.

So why the big dork revelation? Well, I'm getting to it. See, I've been reading a bit about the author and how she got the idea for the books. Apparently it all started from a dream she had. And that is something I would totally do, have a dream and get all obsessed by it and come up with some elaborate back story and imagine all sorts of ridiculous things based on that one dream. I was thinking that I should do that, come up with a crazy popular book and get rich off of my dreams. And then I realized that I sort of already do that (the overactive imagination part, not the rich author part). I do it with my characters from the Sims. (This is the very embarrassing, dorky part). I totally come up with back stories for each character, imagine how they respond in situations, imagine conversations between different characters... anyway, you get the point. See? Told you I was a dork. I just need to write a book (or books) and become rich and famous, then it won't seem so pathetic.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dude! I also thought the whole Twilight craze was silly, and I watched the movie while I was putting something off and I LOVED it. Now that I know you enjoyed/became obsessed with the series I want to read it too! I wish you were close enough that I could borrow them too. I think you should start a sister blog with the back-stories for all of your Sims characters.