Thursday, March 11, 2010

Remember the award I won last month for customer service for a NE FL tourist attraction? About a week ago my boss printed out a picture from the event, wrote a little note on it about the award, and posted it in the break room at the museum. Yesterday I noticed it was gone. So either one of my bosses decided I had had enough glory, or someone else there got jealous. I have my suspicions. I should have checked the trash or something, but by the time I noticed it was gone I think it had been gone for at least a day already. By the way, here's the picture. Not the most flattering, but you can see my award. There was one more of me on the official website, and it's hideous. It's of me walking to the stage. I have an extremely unattractive profile.

Last night Alfred had some super important big shot meeting that went until pretty late, so I was home alone for awhile. Not all that long, actually, because I had a funeral to go to after work (the husband of one of my coworkers passed away, cancer, very sad), then I had to go run errands for work, so by the time I got home it was almost 9:00. However, I was finally successful in my search for a bathroom rug yesterday, so I decided to surprise Alfred and finish unpacking and setting up the bathroom. It looks really nice in there now. No more boxes! Alfred still needs to put up the towel rack and toilet paper holder this weekend, but then it's totally done. Finally. This weekend I have big plans to work on the kitchen and find the iron. I have the ironing board, but no iron yet. It's becoming a problem, because I need wash my work clothes and they then need to be ironed. I'm running out of clothes. I want to go buy a window shade for the front door, too. But really, as long as I find that damn iron, I'll be happy.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

You look so young in that picture. You could be standing next to your high school principal accepting an academic award!