Wednesday, April 28, 2010

garden update

This is impressive. It's been a week and a half and nothing's dead in my garden yet! Things are actually surviving! Dare I say they're doing well? I dare! Check this out!

In this picture you can see a) my watermelon seeds coming up, in the far bottom right corner, b) my butternut squash seeds coming up, to the left of the watermelon, and c) a strawberry that's turning red, on the left, resting on the wooden frame. How awesome are all of these?? That zucchini's looking pretty good too, it's between the butternut squash and the strawberries.

In this picture you can see a) my corn coming up from seed, on the far left, b) my pole beans sprouting, surrounding the sticks (i.e. their poles), and c) my eggplant that has freaking doubled in size! The eggplant is on the other side of the pole beans from the corn. It's grown like crazy. Oh, and the blueberries are totally forming. Everything is actually looking really good and healthy. It's pretty exciting.

My flowers are less than impressive. I planted some moonflowers (I think that's their name) by the back porch, but nothing's really come up there yet. I guess that's ok, at least the things we plan to eat are doing well. I just planted a swamp rose that someone at work gave me last night, so we'll see how that goes.


Carolyn said...

So when is harvest? I just may have to plan a trip!

Katie H. said...

I am so jealous of your garden!