Tuesday, April 20, 2010

our garden!

We had a very productive weekend last weekend: we finally, finally planted our garden! We've had a bunch of plants for about a month now, and have been moving them around to make sure they're getting sun and not too much rain and stuff like that. Plus, Home Depot had vegetable plants and seeds on sale, buy one get one free! So we loaded up, built our garden bed, and went to town.

In the picture on the left, you can see the whole backyard, freshly mowed. You can see the fire pit that we've been using for weeks to get rid of the shed. You can also see the garden on the far right of the picture, and the citrus and fig trees we planted are in there too. The picture on the right is a close up of our vegetable garden box. We have a nice big tomato plant, which already has a bunch of green tomatoes coming in! About 1/4 of the garden is tomatoes, mostly just your basic red tomato, but I also got a black tomato that I'm super excited about. There's also a few different types of peppers, some eggplant, squash, and a bunch of herbs. I planted seeds for corn, pole beans, squash, and watermelon. Watermelon! I so hope I get a real watermelon this summer. Oh, and there are a couple of blueberry plants next to the box, with actual blueberries coming in! I am so, so excited about my garden. So if you come visit this summer, you can have some fresh home-grown produce on your pizza.


Anonymous said...

It looks awesome!!!


Carolyn said...

I'm jealous, we can't plant for another month. But all I will plant are tomatoes. Make sure you stake or put a cage around those tomatoes while they are still small. I didn't do it early enough last year and I couldn't get the cage around them. I had tc get really creative to hold up the plants when they were full of tomatoes. But ummmm, nothing is better!

Lucy said...

Oh wow! You guys have been working hard!

Katie H. said...

Oh my god, I love your garden. I want one so badly.