Monday, April 12, 2010

Monday marathon

Today is case day! We all survived and thrived Saturday after around the world. Today we're tackling a case apiece, except for me, who had to work today and so I'm only doing half a case. I had a bud light for breakfast. So far today I think they've done 2 power hours, and we played flip cup with Lucy. Don't worry Phil, Ellie was taking a nap. Just now we played survivor flip cup twice, first maureene won, then Katie. Now that we're all up to speed, I'm going back to my beer.


Unknown said...

You had a bud light for breakfast! AMAZING!!!

Lucy said...

Where are the final pictures of you guys in front of the empty bottles or a handful of your bottle caps. 24 is a lot of beer. How many calories is that? Very impressive ESPECIALLY 2 days after around the world in Epcot! Congrats!

Alfred said...

116 calories per bud light times 24 is 2784 calories. WOAH, shouldn't have done THAT math!