Wednesday, April 8, 2009

back in the day

I'm all nostalgic and shit about college right now. So, 2 posts in 1 day! It's like Christmas!

Alfred took the picture on the left. I used to work in the building at the bottom right of the picture for one of my jobs. At the bottom left is the campus store. I'm really excited to go back and see Cornell when we're up there for Katherine's wedding this summer. We haven't been back since my graduation almost 6 years ago. Jesus, I'm old.

So we were eating dinner and somehow got onto the subject of me doing terribly in statistics in college when Alfred got a call from a 607 area code. It was Cornell! Not literally the university itself calling him, because that would be sort of science fiction-ish, but a student from the Cornell Fund. For those of you who don't know, the Cornell Fund is the part of the Alumni Relations department that solicits financial support from alumni. They call alumni and ask them for money. It just so happens that I worked for the Cornell Fund all 4 years that I went there. I've seriously been looking forward to this call for years. Well, I was really excited about getting a call the first couple of years after I graduated, since I still had friends working there. When I was a student, once in a great while we'd get a previous employee to call and it was always really exciting to talk to them after they graduated. But the bastards never called. They've started calling Alfred this year, but I've never been around him and in the mood to talk until tonight. And boy howdy, did I talk! I was on the phone for over 12 minutes with this poor girl. And yes, I donated. But I made her work for it. I actually used to really enjoy the alumni who would talk to me for awhile, even if they didn't donate, because it meant I had to make fewer phone calls. And it made your average call time go up, cause on the computer systems that we got sophomore year they kept track of all sorts of interesting statistics like that and used them later in your evaluation. And 1 nice person generally made up for the dozen or so rude ones you'd talk to in a night. So I hope I wasn't too weird, and that she enjoyed talking to me too.

One more picture, because I was looking through Slope Day pictures and found this one. This was taken on the day that I met Alfred for the first time, although I don't remember meeting him. I know I did though because I remember meeting Ilya and their other high school friend Andrew, who were both visiting and both extremely drunk by 10:00am. Apparently Alfred was not drunk or loud enough for me to remember. And it's too bad that I only have his pictures from that day on the computer, because there are some doozies that I took on a regular camera. Ah, 2000. We were so innocent then. Only the nerdiest of the nerds had digital cameras. Also, the Pussycat Dolls are performing at Slope Day this year. Alfred's super jealous.


Katie K. said...

We took stats together! We both sucked!! Remember when our professor got deported? True story.

T & A said...

Yes! I told Alfred that and he didn't believe me.