Saturday, January 9, 2010

lazy Saturday

Our first non-working (for me) weekend at home in quite awhile. It's been great so far! I didn't get out of my pajamas until about 6:30pm, and then it was to exercise, shower, and put on new pajamas. So, pretty fly. We've done a whole lot of not much today, which has included watching a movie (Julie and Julia, which we both enjoyed), doing some organizing and cleaning in the office, and grocery shopping (for Alfred). Sometimes, it's just really nice to sit around and relax. It didn't help that it's been cold and dreary all day, which really doesn't inspire outside activity. Right now Alfred's making me hamburgers for dinner. We forgot to put Heinz 57 on the list, so I have none. Yes Michael, I could go up on piggy back and cruise the store in my socks, then sprint back home carrying a case of beer which I could then drop in the middle of the road, causing half the bottles to shatter. Ah, memories. Our lives have been severely power hour deficient since you moved.

Also, I have a few more quick movie reviews to add, in addition to Julie and Julia. Zombieland was really funny, especially the Ghostbuster-related parts in the middle. Whip It was good too, though Alfred didn't like it as much as I did. That seems to be a theme with our movie reviews in general, no?

One last note: I apologize for the lack of interesting pictures to go along with these posts lately. Alfred moved all of our pictures to an external hard drive awhile back, so in order to use any old pictures I have to hook that up and I really am not entirely clear on how to do it. Or where that hard drive is kept. Also, we haven't been taking pictures lately. Mainly because we haven't been doing many photo worthy activities. We'll work on that, maybe. Time for dinner!

1 comment:

Katie H. said...

Ha, you said 'Pretty fly'!