Wednesday, March 4, 2009

one year ago today...

... I wrote my first blog post. It was terribly exciting. I had been reading blogs like it was my job (and it might as well have been, since that was the majority of what I was paid to do) and kept thinking about starting my own. At first it was just a good way to kill some time at work. At times it's been a pain in the ass, other times it's been tough to come up with something to write about, and other times it's just been fun to post pictures and entertain myself, if no one else. And I have to say, just one last time, that Alfred thought I wouldn't last a month. Ha! Ok, I won't mention it again.

Some things about our lives have changed a lot this year. I'm at a different job, we're not in a different house, Alfred has a beard. But overall, things are about the same. Which is good. And this year is going to be even better, we've decided. It's going to be our year. So stay tuned for greatness!

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