Sunday, May 10, 2009

happy mother's day!

Alfred's family just left about an hour ago; they came over for dinner tonight. We had hummus, pizza, and chocolate mousse - all homemade, of course - and it was pretty awesome. So most of the day today was spent cooking and cleaning, which was actually kind of fun. Not the cleaning part necessarily, but I like cooking. And now the house is damn clean.

(We're watching the 30 Rock from this past week, and Liz Lemon referred to the Sims! It was awesome!)

Yesterday we spent a lot of the day outside. We decided last weekend that we need to hang out outside more often, so yesterday we actually did it. We went canoeing on the intracoastal and explored some of the canals that branch off of it. The people who live back there really like those statues of little boys fishing.

We also played with some crabs for awhile, freaking them out and making them run like hell. It was fun. We also sat and watched a lizard go about his life: he surveyed his land, found a lady friend, had a romantic experience, was confronted by a challenger, and got into a rumble. Watching 2 lizards fight was probably the coolest thing I've seen all month. It was hilarious.

In other news, Alfred went tanning at the gym the other day and the girl didn't set the timer right, so he got a bit pink. Then yesterday he forgot to put sunscreen on his arms and legs, so he's a little red today. He's been quite diligent about putting aloe on, at least. First sunburn of the summer!

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