Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I feel like that picture I posted from my phone is weird. My feet look weird. And you can't really see Alfred, he's in the pool with a beer. We had a good Saturday, in other words. Lucy, Phil, and baby Ellie came over for lunch and to hang out for awhile. We cooked some burgers on the tiniest grill you've ever seen. I got lots of baby time in, too. Good stuff.

So, this deluge of rain we're having. That's what weather.com is referring to it as. It's been raining almost constantly since Sunday evening. It's been windy too, rather reminiscent of hurricanes and/or tropical storms we have been through in the past. Thus, this post's title. This morning, the water in the intracoastal was as high if not higher than we'd ever seen it. The camera was in Alfred's car though (I think) so no high water picture. So, here's a completely unrelated picture!

Aw, we're cute.

So we've been catching up on our TV the past couple of days. Season finale time is a very sad time. We always run out of good stuff to watch on our DVR over the summer. However, I must say I'm quite pumped for the beginning of So You Think You Can Dance. Oh, how I have missed it! Oh, and I found this very convenient website today. Just in case you were wondering about the status of any TV shows for next fall. You're welcome.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

a) I am thrilled about sytycd--let our emails commence!

b) that website is answering my every question about the fall line-up and I am truly grateful