Tuesday, May 5, 2009

weekend roundup

Photoshop was being ridiculous, so I'm sorry if these pictures take forever to load. But I figured if I went any longer without posting I'd get shit from Mike. So, we've seen the pictures of woodpeckers and of burning half our yard. (Our house still smells like smoke, by the way.) Let's take a look at the rest of the weekend. First, drinking:

Mike got some breathalyzers from the army somehow, so we took them after a couple of power hours. The yellow is what it starts out as, if it turns greenish you're drunk. So we were drunk. Alfred and Mike ended up doing 3 full power hours on Saturday. I did not. It was for the best.

While in various stages of drunkenness, we engaged in some more yard work (or murder):

Alfred decided to go for a quick swim:

And decided to make some napalm.

It was cool. It sort of melted down the side of the log. We were very careful with it, we didn't yell at it or anything.

So that's that. Mike's moving soon, so probably no power hours for awhile. And our yard will probably look like crap again soon. Alas. It was fun while it lasted!

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