Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Alfred loves peaches

Last night I went to my book club meeting. I could have blogged about it last night, but then I'd have nothing to write about for today! It was kind of nice, there were only 5 of us there for a change, it was nice to be able to actually be able to hold a conversation and hear everyone. Usually there's so many people that you don't even end up talking to half of the people there because the table is so long. And I like all the girls who came, so that was good, too. 2 of them were pregnant. One is about 7 months along, she's due in October and doesn't know what she's having yet. Also, she's freaking gorgeous. The other girl was due yesterday. Her stomach sticks out so freaking far, I don't understand how she stays upright. She's having a little boy.

The book we read wasn't my favorite ever, but we didn't really talk about it much because only me and one other girl had read it. I don't know why I even bother, except that it gives me ideas for new things to read. And I like to read.

On a different note, teachers went back to work today for most of the counties around here. It's a good thing I didn't try to hold out for a teaching job, because obviously, that would not have worked. I heard through the grapevine that there was an unofficial hiring freeze and that they would hire like crazy the first 2 weeks of August, but if that's the case, I certainly never heard about it. I applied for tons of jobs online, mailed out resumes to several principals... nothing. It's kind of discouraging that I didn't even get a single call for an interview. I never got a call about any of the other types of jobs I applied for this summer either. I got 2 emails, one acknowledging my resume and one saying they had filled the position (2 different jobs), but that's it. I guess I'll just hang out at the museum for the rest of my life, since I apparently can't get hired anywhere else. Thanks a lot, Cornell!


Anonymous said...

Hey, at least one wonderful thing came out of Cornell!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What meeting your friends??

just kidding Alfred!

I miss you guys :(