Monday, November 24, 2008

eyelid update

I think my eyelid issue is resolving. I woke up Saturday with eyelids so swollen I could only open my eyes about halfway. So I stopped using a bunch of different things for the weekend (like lotions, shampoo, stuff like that), and they've gotten much better. I'm going to slowly start re-using the things I stopped using and see if I can figure out what it was. So that's good news.

Saturday we also did something we very rarely do: we went shopping together! Not grocery shopping, we do that fairly regularly together, but clothes and other stuff shopping. And - the most unusual part - we bought Alfred a pair of jeans! The boy hates shopping for and trying on clothes, but he was bitten by the fashion bug so off we went. It was fun, actually. We looked at Christmas decorations too, Alfred wants to put up more lights this year. We thought about starting to put some up this weekend but decided to screw it. (I was going to put in a picture of our house decorated for Christmas in the past, but can't seem to find any. Too bad. Instead, here's a picture of tiny Ella feeding beer to a stuffed animal. It was taken at Christmas time. Good enough.)

I did manage to get over my cold this weekend, but have been stuffy all day today. It's getting a little ridiculous.

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