Thursday, November 20, 2008

what's wrong with me?

First off, I'm forgetful. When I was little I once forgot to bring the present to my friend's birthday party, and the following year I forgot about her party entirely. Today after work when I got the mail I saw the recycling bin there, needing to be brought in, and by the time I got to the garage I forgot about it. I remember now, obviously, but I'm all comfy in my pj's and there's no way I'm going outside now. Also, I procrastinate. Although if I phrase it as I work well under pressure, it sounds more positive. I've gotten better about that over the last few years though, the museum has helped me. We get so busy that I can't put things off when we're not busy. I also used to be chronically late, by maybe 5 or 10 minutes, but I've gotten better about that too. Now I like to be a few minutes early, if possible. Now I just have to convert Alfred.

But I didn't actually intend to discuss my character traits. I meant what's wrong with me physically. Specifically, my eyelids. Lately I've been getting these weird patches of dry, red skin on my eyelids, and sometimes it itches. It always sucks. It's not a reaction to makeup or anything, because I never wear makeup at the museum. And I haven't changed any of my face wash or lotions or anything. Between my red eyelids, red nose from blowing it all day, and dry lips from the cold weather, I am not currently at my most attractive.

One last thing: I'm re-reading Gone With The Wind, and loving it. I wish I brought it home from work to read tonight. Guess I'll have to read the internets instead.

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