Monday, November 17, 2008

gettin' ready

We took a big step towards being ready for Christmas this year: we got a new grill!

The burners on our old grill were shot, so we haven't been able to grill for a couple of months now. It kind of sucks, we weren't able to use the grill for part of the summer, and we usually use it a lot. Luckily Alfred found a good deal on one, but unfortunately we had to put it together ourselves. But we're a good team. It went pretty smoothly, but made a big mess.

Look, my mom's in this picture with me.

Sadly, the inaugural meal on the new grill was sort of a disaster. We made beer can chicken, but left it on the grill way too long. It was all dried out and the skin was completely charred. Disappointing.

The rest of the weekend was rather uneventful. We sat around and relaxed, which was nice. We did clean the house a bit, so we weren't total bums at least. It got freaking cold this weekend. Last week it was in the 80's, today's high was supposed to be in the mid 60's. Sucks. In another day or 2 we'll both have colds. Then we'll go to NY for Thanksgiving and get colds again. Yay!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So how does grilling in the living room work out for you?