Tuesday, May 27, 2008

beachy goodness

I downloaded Katie's pictures last night, so here are some more from the weekend to share. First, we had an Iron Chef competition Sunday night. The secret ingredient was roasted red peppers, and we had to make 1 regular dish and 1 dessert. I made garlic focaccia with roasted red peppers and mozzarella, and my dessert was roasted red pepper tarts with meringue. They both turned out pretty well, if I do say so myself, and I won! I was also the only competitor. Here I am contemplating the meaning of life.

I was going to post a picture of Katie's boogie boarding injury, but I couldn't find it just now. I know I saw it this weekend, but it must have been on our camera, which means I copied it to the computer at home and deleted it from our camera. My b. (I don't think I told the story of double nipple ring boy, who we met at the beach Saturday, and who has given us such gramatical gems as "my b" instead of "my bad," and "twisted" which I presume means drunk.) Anyway here are the younguns boogie boarding.

Yesterday we went to the beach. Surprise! Some kid left a shovel and bucket, so we made this sweet sandcastle. In the back is the watchtower, and the castle for the royalty is in the front. Check out the land bridges. That's some amazing construction right there. I made them, in case you couldn't guess. We gave up trying to fill the moat after 1 bucket.

After that we got the brilliant idea to take pictures of our shadows in the sand. It started out with us doing "YMCA" and went from there. Please enjoy my first attempt at a slideshow, with handy subtitles in case you have trouble figuring out our spelling. Just remember as you see the words we chose that we were with 3 19/20 year olds. And me and Alfred. Not the most mature minds.

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