Thursday, May 1, 2008


My digestive system: Recovery in progress. I've been feeling mostly better since late yesterday afternoon. Now my stomach only hurts for a couple hours after I eat. Could be worse. Hopefully I'll be fully recovered tomorrow, Alfred said he's going to make me suffer at the gym. I can't wait.

My burn: Still disgusting. I can see that it's healing, but it's taking it's sweet time. It probably doesn't help that the scab keeps cracking and then starts oozing and bleeding again. Last night I put a band aid on it so I wouldn't bump it and pull the scab off in my sleep. Instead, the whole scab peeled off when I took off the band aid this morning. I'm sure this particular storyline is very enjoyable for all.

My azaleas: Not dead yet! My in laws brought us 2 more plants when they came over for dinner a couple weekends ago, and I planted them next to the first one. Then before she left my mom raked and weeded all around them to give them some space to breathe. They look good! Well, the one on the right looked a little droopy last night, hopefully it just needed some water (which I gave it). Aren't they cute?

It's a little hard to see, but all the white splotches on the ground toward the bottom of the picture is bird crap from the herons that nest on our property. You should see our roof. Or right next to where Katie parks her car. They're disgusting creatures. And annoying: they kept screaming and waking me up the other night. And apparently not very bright, since they're nesting in our yard again.

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