Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas! and happy birthday Emily

Emily and Jesus share a birthday. Also, I don't seem to have any recent pictures of her (or of Jesus, actually) probably because she's away at school most of the time and not around when we are. Well, happy birthday to her anyway!

We (Alfred, Katie and I) were up until about 2:30 last night getting things ready. We got home from Christmas Eve dinner (hosted by Alfred's parents) at about midnight and then had to get the pork into the smoker, the beans into the oven, and the cinnamon rolls for this morning made and into a pan to rise in the fridge overnight. And yet here I am, blogging at 8:19am. I'm a champ.

I wanted to take a picture of our tree with all the gifts underneath, but our camera is upstairs in my purse and I don't want to go back in our room and wake Alfred up, so I used our old camera. Now I remember why we got a new one, this one kind of takes crappy pictures.

The funniest part was when I went to upload the pictures onto the computer. There's a whole bunch of other pictures I never took off of the camera! Such as this gem, which I assume was from my birthday last year.

I'm guessing my birthday because the other pictures on it were from when I went to visit Mike after he got shot.

I've got some nice close ups of his wound too, but that's not very Christmassy.

So I hope everyone has a great day, I know we will! Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Christmas with the T & A household has been great. Between wii and power hours, it has been entertaining. and the food...amazing and plentiful!