Monday, April 7, 2008

Embarrassing Photo Day

I was all set to whine about the crappy weather and other random whine-worthy items, but then I remembered that I brought my work laptop home this weekend and copied a bunch of pictures onto it. Yay for old embarrassing pictures! Unfortunately I didn't get started until 10 last night, which is my bedtime, so I didn't get too many. Anyway, today shall be Embarrassing Photo Day, Installment 1, Subject: Friends. I found this one from a 704 party.

It was the party in December 2001. Maybe you remember that party. Yes, this is the best picture of us from that night. There are definitely many pictures that I would not consider posting here. So I will post this one of myself looking stupid as a sign of goodwill.

What on earth was I thinking. Who knows where that thing had been. Good thing I didn't have any boobs, or I'd be popping out in this picture. (As a side note, it annoys me that whenever I lose some weight, my boobs are the first thing to go. Seriously, every ounce I lose is from my boobs. Why can't my ass shrink first and leave me a little something up top? I'm sure my brothers are enjoying this.)

Here we are enjoying some delicious hot dogs while looking like bums in NYC. This was New Years 2006. This picture cracks me up.

Alfred's graduation. Somehow we don't have any pictures of just the two of us from my graduation. Also, this could have been taken this morning and it would look about the same. Except my hair is a little longer right now. And I think Alfred has different glasses. There's a bunch of paint chipped off the ones he has now, so they could be the same and just look different, who knows. He's my friend, that why he's involved in Embarrassing Photo Day, Installment 1, Subject: Friends. He's going to fit into a lot of categories, I think. Lucky Alfred!

I seem to have run out of this variety of pictures. No more embarrassing ones, anyway. Stay tuned for later installments. For now I will leave you with some photoshop wizardry of another picture from New Years in NYC.

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