Saturday, September 6, 2008

crazy dude

No pictures, just a quick story.

I was in the museum store the other morning when a guy rode up on his bike. He parked it on the porch and started looking in the windows, so I ignored him. I was getting a homeless vibe from him and didn't want to deal with it. I walked out the back door a few minutes later and could hear him talking on the front porch. My first thought was that he was talking to himself, but since I really hadn't gotten a very good look at him I figured maybe he was on a cell phone. Five minutes later I walk back out, and he's still on the front porch, still talking. I try to peek through the fence to see him, and realize he's looking through the fence at me! Then he says "oh sorry miss, I was just out here talking to myself to try to stay sane. I saw on the news the other day a guy went crazy and started shooting people in some building, so I'm just trying to keep my sanity out here. I'll leave now." And he got on his bike and left. I wished him luck, but I don't know if he heard me.


Anonymous said...

You sure do meet them!

Anonymous said...

yeeks, scary!

Unknown said...

I too am quite scared