Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I'm legal

Let me preface this post with a warning: I bought a bottle of coffee liquor today and have had 3 glasses of it mixed with fat free half and half. Each successive glass had less and less of the half and half. It was fantastically delicious. Thus, you get to enjoy the elusive "tipsy post."

I bought the liquor for the tiramisu I'm making tomorrow for Alfred's birthday (we're celebrating this weekend with his family). Tonight I made the ladyfingers. Cause I'm hard core like that. At one point I had dueling mixers going. I was using the hand mixer with the egg whites, and the stand mixer with the yolks. It was kind of awesome. Ok, I'm lying. Dueling mixers! It was totally awesome!

So we bought me a car back at the beginning of August. I've been driving it ever since. And I just went today and got it registered. Boo yah! I've been living on the edge, man. I even had to lie about when we bought it. I'm so bad ass. But now I officially own my own car, all by myself. Neato.

Ok, I've been working on this for like 45 minutes and obviously haven't gotten very far. I keep getting distracted by Wipeout, it's funny if you've never seen it. And this sounds rather disjointed, but you know, I think this is the best I can do right now. Sorry, dudes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The street term is "riding dirty". Used in a sentance: "Until Tracy got her car registered she was riding dirty".