Thursday, September 18, 2008

that guy I married

This is the kind of picture that belonged with my post from this morning:

Also, blogger is being stupid right now. I cannot be held responsible for any screwed up spacing or anything else that happens.

Alfred commented last night that it's like we're doing the long distance thing again. It's kind of true, we haven't seen each other since Tuesday, although we're only an hour apart instead of numerous states or time zones. We've talked on the phone a few times and emailed and texted, but not all that much, really. I have to say, it's much easier not seeing him for a few days now than when we were actually dating long distance. Now I can miss him, but appreciate having the whole bed to myself. (Just kidding, honey. I miss you like crazy and love when you take up 7/8 of the bed. Really, I don't need much space. I'm short.) It's kind of crazy to think that we've been together for 7 years now. Also, we've officially hit the point where we've been married for half the time we've been together. From here on out we'll have been married longer than we were dating. It's insanity. I guess.

In other extremely exciting news, my parents got a freaking Wii! I've only played with it once, when we went to Minnesota last spring. It was really fun, and there were only a couple games. It'll be awesome to try out new ones. I can't wait for Thanksgiving!


Anonymous said...

I just KNEW we would make your blog with the wii !!!!! That's the first thing I told Katie after she texted you about getting it.

Anonymous said...

PS - I won't embarass dad by telling you that he wondered why, when he asked for the game, the clerk directed him to a shelf of boxes marked "World War I". By the way, I totally kick his ass at Guitar Hero.