Wednesday, January 28, 2009

happy birthday Ro Ro!

It's Rosemary's birthday today! Hopefully she's having a good day, I tried calling her on the way home from work but it went straight to voice mail. She's probably out living it up somewhere. Or at work, one of the two. This picture is of her and her husband, Greg, from their wedding weekend last year. So cute. Happy birthday, Ro! We'll miss you in a couple of weeks. :(

Today the Chick Fil A I pass on my way to work had a special today. You buy food today, then bring the receipt back any day before April 30 and get that same food again for free. So I was sort of planning to stop and get breakfast there, then stop on the way home and get dinner too. Well, I forgot and had a big breakfast, so I wasn't hungry for Chick Fil A on my way to work. As I drove by, there were about 10 or 12 cars in the drive thru, which is more than usual. I was like wow, lots of people. I didn't stop. Then on my way home I did stop. The drive thru line wrapped all the way around the building, went out the parking lot and down the road. People were blocking traffic to other places, plus no one could get in to actually park in their parking lot. So I parked in the lot next to the restaurant and walked over. The place was PACKED! I mean, packed. The ordering area was completely jammed, and the lines were literally out the door. So I left. I mean, free food is cool and all, but not that cool. I stopped at Publix and got a chicken salad sub instead. Still 2 meals for only $6. And probably healthier. More veggies, at least.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the shout out TJ! I was on an airplane back from a conference in San Diego. Rest of the bday was great though!