Monday, July 21, 2008


I'm playing hooky today; I didn't go to work. I had told Alfred that I was hoping for some time off before going back to the museum, because last year I didn't have any break when switching jobs and I felt like that would have been nice. So, lovely husband that he is, he made it his mission to make sure I had a couple of days off this week. I get to stay home today and tomorrow, yay! I've even been productive: I cleaned this morning, played some Legend of Zelda (I beat levels 6, 7 and 8 on the second quest, almost done), exercised, and then baked some cookies.

I'm going to send them to Cathy as a belated birthday gift. Her birthday was July 1. I'm a terrible person. Hopefully the cookies make up for it. They're peanut butter oatmeal chocolate chip, by the way. I've decided that those are going to be my signature cookie, so I tried out my first recipe today. They came out pretty well, but I think they could be more peanut buttery. I'll be making more, and since I can't eat dozens of cookies on my own (well, I could, but I shouldn't) I may have to send some to others to taste test. Just a warning.

Dinner Saturday night was pretty tasty - gazpacho, which we made from nice fresh veggies from the farmers market, along with some bread and a Bloody Mary.

And just as I was in the middle of writing this, our lamb meat was delivered!

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