Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Cathy! and, a new job question

Cathy's turning old today! Well, she's already been old, but she's even older today! No, I will not reveal her age. I don't think she reads this, but I don't need her kicking my ass if she ever does. She was pretty good at Wii boxing. I of course have not sent her card and gift yet, mostly because I do not have her gift yet. I have the card at least! I'm a terrible sister in law. Sorry Cathy. Happy Birthday slaw!!

So anyway. (I use both of those words here a lot, I've noticed). I mentioned last week that I need to find a new job, hopefully sometime soon. Well, Alfred and I have been talking a bit about the possibility of me going back to the museum. I talked to Lindsay yesterday (who took over my job when I left) and it turns out she just gave her notice because her husband got a new job and they're moving. I knew she was giving her notice sometime soon, so this wasn't a surprise to me. In other words, this leaves my old job open again.

My old bosses own 3 other tourism businesses in addition to the museum, and have lost all of the office staff for one of the other businesses (other than the book keeper, who works for all 4 companies) within the last couple of months. They pulled my former coworker, Cathy, back over to that company, where she worked before coming to the museum (to replace Lindsay when she left to have Xyla), (are you following all of this?) and apparently plan to keep her over there since she wasn't doing a very good job at the museum. Ok, she sucked. She made my last year there even worse, she just was not cut out for that job. And she has a bit of an abrasive personality. So after talking to Lindsay yesterday, and finding out that Cathy would (most likely) be gone, I'm thinking more seriously about calling my old bosses and talking to them about the possibility of me coming back. I figure I can phrase it more as me coming back to help them out, rather than needing a paycheck and not being able to get another job.

The pros:
  • I knew that place inside and out. It would probably be very easy to slip back into the routine and feel comfortable again.
  • It would pay more than what I make now, assuming I started back up at what I made when I left (I make about 40% less now than I did then, plus I had more benefits then, including a car)
  • Especially during my last year there, I was in charge. I really liked feeling important and being able to make decisions. I liked feeling competent and needed, which I don't really feel at my job now.
  • I was burned out. Being away from it for a year, I can look back and remember enjoying my job and the museum in general. I even miss it sometimes. Maybe coming back after having some time away will give me a fresh perspective and I'll enjoy it again.
  • They're building a new, larger museum across the street from the existing one. New programs are being created, old ones are being revamped, lots of new exciting stuff going on.
  • I liked and miss a lot of the people I worked with. Not all of them, but a lot of them.
(This is getting long. (That's what she said!) Here, have a doofy looking picture of me to break it up.)
Ok, back to work. The cons:
  • My former bosses can be difficult to work with. They're a married couple; one micromanages things to death, the other is so hands-off and changes his mind so frequently that it's hard to keep track of what you're supposed to be doing. Things changed a lot over the years I worked there, becoming much more rigid and adding a lot more procedures, making things more complicated than they needed to be. They've apparently become more controlling over the past year.
  • Lots going on with a new location means lots of potential stress. Not the least of which would be finding and training enough new guides to staff all the programs. That's tough.
  • If in fact Cathy does not return, that would mean I would have to train someone new to replace her. Which I don't mind doing, but it would mean longer hours and more work for me as they're learning and I'm having to do both jobs for awhile.
  • There are some people that I would supervise that are difficult to work with. As in, incredibly annoying and demanding and just difficult. Part of the reason I was burnt out.
  • If we do move sometime in the next year, traffic would be a bitch.
Another thing is that I left a year ago planning to go on to bigger and better things. I feel kind of, I don't know, I guess pathetic, like I'm coming crawling back with my tail between my legs and admitting failure. Like I couldn't make it doing something else after all. I feel a little foolish, I guess.

I just don't know how I feel about it. Maybe if I go into it assuming it's only a temporary thing, it'll be ok. Of course, I don't know how temporary it would be - the rest of the summer? The full school year? And what if I do stay a full year, do I plan to leave after that? I just don't know! Anyone care to give me some advice??

(By the way, I'm writing this Monday at about 6:30 as I wait for Alfred to finish up so we can leave. I'm going to be out of the office all day tomorrow so I'm setting this up to automatically post Tuesday. Cool, huh?)


Anonymous said...

I say go for it. We have had people leave here only to come back, people have made "grass is greener" comments but they are always welcomed back with no hard feelings. It's nice to have someone back who already knows the job and somehow the bosses seem to appreciate them more because they come back so experienced. With the new museum going up, there is potentially alot more for you to have a say in. If you need an assistant as it gets busier, I know a 19 year old trying to make some decisions about her future!

Unknown said...

I am a little scared to contradict yo mama, but I am going to have to. Don't do it! I myself am in a job that's flexible and comfortable, and it sucks. I dread coming in every day, and I am on a 4-day work week! You escaped and it might seem better in retrospect but I guarantee within a month you will remember all the reasons you left. I really think you should pursue a teaching job, it's what you went to school for and what you've wanted to do. I don't know how the districts down there work but up here a bunch of people get hired in August. So if nothing comes up down there you can move here:) But really, don't go back. Those people were cray-zay.