Tuesday, July 29, 2008

so, how's the new/old job?

First off, the obligatory weekend recap. We went for our long walk on a different beach this weekend, and check out what I found!

It totally looks like I just found this picture on line and posted it, but I swear I really found it on the beach. There were tons of starfish too, but I decided not to take any home because I didn't want it to smell or anything. Also, I meant to mention it last week, but for the last couple of weeks Alfred has gone for a walk by himself on the days I didn't go. He walked a total of about 45 miles over the course of 9 days. The man's insane. Well, we all suspected it, I mean he did marry me, right? :)

We also made a super fancy dinner for Sunday night: roast leg of lamb, cucumber salad, Mexican avocado salad, and wine from one of the wineries we visited in Napa (we get an order of 3 bottles from them every year, it's great wine). It was delicious.

Onto the new/old job report. It's been going ok so far. Lots of people have mentioned how happy they are that I'm back, so that's nice to hear. It's been a little tough to remember all the little details of what I'm supposed to be doing, and I've had to hunt for some supplies and things. Hopefully it will all come back to me.

I even have a cute kid story already. A boy maybe 9 years old came in to buy a couple of whips, because the one he had bought several months ago was frayed from being used so much. He was all decked out, with an Indiana Jones hat and everything. When he first held the whips he was like "wow, these are really nice whips!" I said that he must be getting pretty good with the whip, and he said "yeah, and I have all the clothes too, see? My hat, my belt, and this clip to attach the whip to my belt." Then, all serious, he said "can I ask you a question? Why is there this loop on the handle?" I explained that he could put it around his wrist, or hang the whip up when he was done with it. He nodded very seriously and thanked me. He was just so darn cute.

So that's that. Hopefully it will get easier, and hopefully I can figure out enough stuff to do to keep me busy. I'm sure there's stuff I can be doing, I'm just not entirely sure what. I could always ask my boss, I guess...

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