Wednesday, March 5, 2008

3 years

So that's our wedding. Unfortunately the minister is blocking Alfred, but I'm pretty sure he was there. This was probably taken pretty soon after the minister called me the wrong name. He called me Alfred's sister's name instead. No, it's not funny yet.

All day I've had a song from a Will and Grace episode in my head. It's Will's parents' anniversary, and Jack and Karen carry the anniversary cake up all these flights of stairs because Karen's afraid of elevators, and when they get to the restaurant they light the candles and Jack and Karen both sing "happy anniversary, happy anniversary, happy anniversary, haaaaaappy anniversary!" They're both clapping and jumping around and Jack's kind of whipping his head back and forth. I tried finding a clip of it on youtube but alas, youtube failed me. But it's funny, and every time I think of the word anniversary that little song comes to mind.

Anyway, today's our third anniversary. We're going out to dinner. Not sure where yet. And Alfred bought me flowers. They're on my desk right now. Aren't they pretty? I didn't buy him anything, but we spent about an hour in Costco yesterday, so I figure we're even.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We had Crab Legs at Panama Hattie's. They were yummy.