Thursday, March 20, 2008

cookies are done!

Finally. Our massive Easter cookie and chocolate project is finished. We finished decorating the last cookies, made the last chocolates, and packed them all up last night, then dropped them off to Robyn this morning. We made 22 bags total, each bag has 5 cookies, 3 chocolate covered caramel eggs, and 3 chocolate covered peanut butter eggs. All hand made by me and Katie. It was a large undertaking, but they came out well, and it was fun (mostly). Tonight though I'm looking forward to going to bed at a more normal hour. Which for us means before 11. Cause we're old. I also plan on sitting down for awhile. Should be exciting! Although, what will I write about here tomorrow??

I didn't take any pictures of the chocolates, because really they were just foil wrapped egg shapes, and I took one the other day of the first set we did, but here's one of all the different cookies together.

Aren't they cute? I decorated the eggs, Katie did all the other ones. I'm pretty happy with how they turned out. I'm going to attempt a bunny shaped carrot cake for Easter, so we'll see how that goes.

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