Friday, March 28, 2008

let's go to the beach!

So I had part of an easter cookie and split a piece of cake with Katie last night, and this morning I had lost 1 1/2 pounds! I can work with that.

We dropped Katie off at the airport this morning, she's going home for a long weekend. Apparently it snowed there last night and is only supposed to get into the 40s the whole time she's there. The whole time we were in the car they were doing weather reports like every 5 minutes, saying how it's going to be a gorgeous weekend, 80s every day, clear skies. Man, were they rubbing it in! By the way, for all you cold weather people, this is the beach by our house. Doesn't it look nice and warm? If you came to visit, you could go here. Katie is going to be back home for the summer, so if you come then, we have a great place you can stay!

I meant to mention this yesterday, when we were driving to work (with our windows open since it was so nice out, of course) we kept smelling this very particular smokey smell on and off. We suspected the car in front of us had something to do with it, but when we passed them at one point we didn't see anything. Then they got in front of us again and we smelled it some more. Finally we passed them again, and the driver was holding a rather distinctive little cigarette. I didn't know people actually did things like that, at 10am no less. I don't understand the appeal of driving, wouldn't you rather be at home on your couch, all comfy? Not that I would know personally, of course. I'm far too pure and innocent.

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