Thursday, March 6, 2008

Happy Birthday Ella!

Today is my niece's 5th birthday! She's getting old, halfway to double digits already. From there it's only a few years till she's a teenager, then she's in her twenties, before you know it she'll be my age. Ha ha, that makes me feel old. I wish we lived closer to my brother and his family, but they have to be bums and live in frigid Minnesota. We're campaigning for them to move down here, but I don't think we're having much luck. We'll have to call Ella tonight and wish her a happy birthday over the phone.

One of the gifts we bought her is a personalized birthday song on a CD. It says her name a bunch of times in the song, my sister and I both had one when we were little and it was so cool to hear your own name in a song. Well, correction, Katie had a cassette tape, and I had a record. Yeah, I had a little toy record player and a bunch of records I used to play when I was little. Now that makes me feel old!

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