Tuesday, March 11, 2008

stupid sun

I think I have a sunburn on my scalp. We went for a quick 8 mile walk on Sunday (quick compared to the 11 mile walk we took last weekend) and I had my hair in 2 braids. I think I got a sunburn where my hair was parted. Even worse, my brush has metal bristles and some of the little plastic ends have come off, so every time I brush my hair little metal needles are digging into my head. It hurts.

I was in a funky mood last night. I had my book club meeting and it didn't go like I was hoping. For one thing, I was sitting all the way at one end, so I couldn't hear a lot of the conversation. I was also surrounded by moms and kids, which was fine because they were all super cute, but lots of mom talk. It's tough to join in when you're not a mom. Then on the other side of me was a girl who brought a friend from work, so they spent a lot of the night talking to each other, which meant I couldn't hear or really participate in the conversation on the other side of them. I was just kind of frustrated from not really having a good time, plus I was kind of tired and sore from our long walk, and we were spending the night at my in laws house, (which is nice, we have our own space, but it's not quite as nice as sleeping in my own bed), and I just got a little cranky. Poor Alfred. He might say I was more than a little cranky.

But then two of my friends and my sister told me they read my blog, so that made me happier :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

did I just get a shout out??? T&A I love you;)