Wednesday, June 4, 2008

our creative meal

Have you ever heard of "chicken and waffles?" I mean obviously you've heard of those individual components, but as a meal? Apparently it's a thing. It's also fun to say. I don't know if it's a southern thing or what, but I've seen it on the food network and I think Alfred has heard of it in real life. Well one night a few months ago while making dinner we decided to make our own unique meat-and-breakfast-food combination. Alfred says that Snoop Dogg's reality show was the inspiration. And no, we were not sober.

It all started because we had bought a giant package of apples from costco and needed a way to use them up. So I decided to cook them. I thought it would be good to eat with some pancakes. Pancakes and warm apples for dinner, pretty normal, right? I think Alfred brought up chicken and waffles, and then got some leftover pulled pork out of the fridge. Yeah, that sounds good, I'll blame him. So we constructed our towers of weird deliciousness: a pancake, topped with apples, topped with pork, topped with some BBQ sauce. I think I added another pancake to my stack and ate it like a sandwich. It was really, really good. We've had it twice since then, including last night, when this photo was taken. Amazingly, it's still good sober. Last night we used the applesauce we made a few weeks ago. Deee-licious.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

strangely, that actually does sound good. I mean, I'd never make it for myself, but I'd probably enjoy it if you made it.